ESA Announces Call for Nominations for Special Election

Society to hold special election to fill vice president-elect position

Annapolis, MD; March 17, 2020—The Entomological Society of America has announced a call for nominations for the role of vice president-elect of the Society. Nominations are due April 1, 2020.

Following the recent resignation of Vice President Timothy Schowalter, Ph.D., ESA Vice President-Elect Michelle Smith, BCE, has succeeded Schowalter to the role of vice president. The Society will hold a special election to fill the now-vacant position of vice president-elect.

Nominations may be submitted online via the ESA Nomination Submission Form. As is ESA’s standard practice for the role of vice president-elect, nominees must be endorsed by an ESA Branch or Section or provide a signed petition of at least 10 members supporting their nomination. All nominees must also provide a bio of up to 250 words, a statement of up to 250 words describing their perception of critical issues and future vision for the Society, a photo, and a professional conduct disclosure statement.

All nominations must be submitted via the ESA website by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on April 1, 2020. The special election will then take place April 6-May 6, 2020. All individuals who have joined or renewed their membership with ESA for 2020 by March 31 are eligible to participate in the special election.

CONTACT: Joe Rominiecki,, 301-731-4535 x3009

ABOUT: ESA is the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and people in related disciplines. Founded in 1889, ESA today has more than 7,000 members affiliated with educational institutions, health agencies, private industry, and government. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, the Society stands ready as a non-partisan scientific and educational resource for all insect-related topics. For more information, visit