Sections are empowered to do far more than run programming at the ESA Annual Meeting. According to the ESA Bylaws, the purpose of the Sections is to develop and implement the key capabilities for their membership that result in outreach related to science and public policy, program development, continuing education, and fostering interest in entomology. With your help and input, PBT can do more to support your industry and specific discipline. There is money in the bank to help make this happen and funding mechanisms that can be brought to bear on a problem if needed. But we need PBT members to provide input to help set the agenda.

What is something that you, as a PBT member, care deeply about and feel that your Section should be working toward. Call it a goal, a project, a dream, or a wish - if you were the Section president, what would you work to build? What can the PBT Section do to meet the needs of PBT members? Give us your thoughts and together we can make PBT a model for all of the Sections.

Which of the Capabilities (described above) would you like to see the Section address?

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