Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium Conference


Date: September 21-22, 2019

Location: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina

About: As a result of the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) issuance of the final rule, many veterinarians have reason to be concerned about apiculture (beekeeping) and honey bee veterinary medicine.  Honey bees now fall into veterinarians’ purview owing to the VFD rule and changes in FDA policy on medically important antimicrobials and you may be called on to treat them.

The Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium  was formed following the advent of the VFD for honey bees. This conference will focus on what large scale or hobbyist beekeepers need, especially with regards to the VFD and disease management. Our mission is to educate veterinarians and apiarists on how to integrate veterinary care into beekeeping.

This two-day conference will have general session and advanced tracks and will offer an optional wet lab including an introduction to equipment and live hive work. Registration includes Friday night icebreaker, breaks, lunches, Saturday evening BBQ reception on the lawn of the CVM, and 12 hours of RACE approved CVME.