Evaluation & Judging
Students who present ten-minute papers (10-min) in the Student Competition for the President’s Prize will be evaluated in the following areas:
Scientific Content (55%)
- Title concise, informative, and relevant for presentation content (5 points)
- Judges will score the title given at the start of the presentation, not what is listed in the program.
- Introduction and background with pertinent literature cited (10 points)
- Objectives or hypotheses clearly stated and concise / Objectives of course design or teaching program clearly stated and concise with learning gaps and target audience(s) identified (10 points)
- Materials and methods (study design) clear, concise, and appropriate to problem / Course or program design development and relevant evaluation metrics clear, concise, and appropriate for the learning gaps and audience(s) (10 points)
- Interpretation of results and analysis clear, concise, and accurate and addresses needs of target audience (10 points)
- Significance of results to field of study or teaching community and targeted audience clearly discussed (10 points)
- Title concise, informative, and relevant for presentation content (5 points)
Presentation (45%)
- Logical order, minimum redundancy (5 points)
- Smooth transitions between presentation slides and sections, including speaker introducing themselves to the audience (5 points)
- Slides use universal design principles with appropriate fonts, font sizes, high contrast images (for example, avoiding color schemes that are hard to distinguish for colorblind participants like red/green) (5 points)
- Slides have no grammatical errors and are not excessively wordy (5 points)
- Effective use & description of visuals (i.e. photos, diagrams, figures, and tables); do they support the presentation narrative? (15 points)
- Appropriate volume (uses microphone if available) & speed of speech; clear communication; please note, score should not be dependent on audio equipment (5 points)
- Effective use of time; 10-12 minutes with appropriate balance across presentation sections, with time to field audience questions effectively (5)