Design Thinking Series: How to Ideate

During our second webinar we will discuss different ways for generating the best solutions that will address the problem you defined using the tools from the first seminar. We will show how ideation methods such as bodystorming, mindmapping and sketching can help you to come up with the broadest range of possible ideas (not necessarily with the “right” idea). The goal of these creativity tools is to look beyond the obvious, to harness your team’s expertise and to uncover unexpected solutions.

Design Thinking Series: Empathy/Personas & Problem Identification

During the first webinar of the four-part Design Thinking Series, we will discuss how important it is to truly understand the problem your product or service is trying to solve. You will learn how to develop personas and empathy for the potential users, which can be incorporated into a more successful design. You will be exposed to tools that will help you to observe, engage, watch and listen to the potential user, to get a realistic understanding of the end user’s experiences.