Post-Webinar Discussion on Invasive Insects Webinar Series

Invasive insects are devastating in agricultural, natural, and urban environments around the world. The Entomological Society of America is positioned to be a leader in developing a collaborative invasive species mitigation and management roadmap.

Learn about Public Health Entomology Internships and Fellowships

Are you interested or curious about entomology? Do you want to explore the intersection of entomology and health equity? Do you want to engage in social justice work and science? Would you like to learn about Public Health Entomology as a profession and learn applied entomological strategies to prevent and control vector-borne diseases? Attend this webinar to learn about the PHEFA Internships and Fellowships for MSI students and recent graduates.

NSF Research and Training Opportunities for Entomologists

Join NSF Program Officers to learn about new and ongoing NSF funding opportunities of relevance to entomologists at all career stages. This session covered how NSF funds research, the grant proposal process, and funding opportunities through Biology core programs and current special solicitations. Overviews of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) opportunities, the Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP), Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB), the Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER), and the Mid-Career Advancement (MCA) program will be provided.

Webinar - Opportunities for Entomologists at the EPA

This webinar looked at the types of jobs for entomologists available at the EPA and present perspectives from different experience levels and different divisions. Panelists talked about the types of experiences and qualifications looked for in these roles.

Hacking the Academic Job Market

Are you fully prepared to enter the job market? Join ESA and Dr. Karen Kelsky, founder of ‘The Professor is In’ for a free virtual workshop series designed to provide insight into the Academic and non-Academic job markets. The interactive workshops will explore current conditions of the job market, what search committees look for, how to build a competitive record, how to articulate that record in job applications and interviews, and how to effectively negotiate when offered a position.

Standing Out from the Crowd: Building Your CV/Resume

In this second part of the two part webinar series, participants will learn more about getting involved with committees, judging panels, and the editorial process; volunteering at the ESA Annual Meeting; and how to give your best presentation at your next meeting.

Considering Non-Traditional Careers in Entomology

While tenure track academic jobs are often heralded as the traditional career path, most MS and PhD’s are finding employment in other fields. What are these other alternative career options and how do you find out about them? This webinar introduces three attractive options, county extension and 4-H, USDA-APHIS and the world of regulatory agriculture, and faculty positions at a teaching institution with opportunities for world travel. The presenters will also talk about how to find more information about alternative career options and what you can do to prepare for the job of your future!