ESA Governance Upgrade, Explained

The ESA Governance Upgrade proposal focuses on simplifying the ESA Governing Board structure, identifying and elevating volunteer leaders with critical skillsets, and enabling the Society to better respond to change. Leaders and members of the ESA Governance Upgrade Task Force will present an overview of the proposals and then listen and respond to questions from attendees.

Barriers to Access Entomology Education and Diverse Career Opportunities

Entomology is a vital field that contributes significantly to agriculture, environmental sustainability, and public health. However, access to entomology education and diverse career opportunities remains limited for many. This webinar aims to explore the barriers that hinder access to entomology education and discuss strategies to promote inclusivity and diversity within the field.

See How You FIT

FIT (Formal and Informal Teaching pilot section) invites you to learn about opportunities, Annual Meeting symposia and opportunities to be involved in shaping the new section to support member needs.

How to Efficiently and Effectively Review a Journal Manuscript

Dr. Raymond A. Cloyd, a professor and extension specialist at Kansas State University, presented this webinar for the Entomologial Society of America (ESA). This webinar discusses how to efficiently and effectively review a journal manuscript by addressing factors associated with the manuscript submission and review process, procedures affiliated with conducting an efficient and effective review of a journal manuscript, and the value of the manuscript review process.

Invasion of the Planthoppers: Advances in surveillance and management of the spotted lanternfly

The invasive fulgorid Lycorma delicatula first appeared in the United States in 2014 in Pennsylvania and has continued to spread to other states, mostly within the Eastern Branch region. As a generalist feeder, it has become a pest of economically important plants such as grape. Our expert panelists will discuss some of the latest research and best methods for detection of this species as well as management options.

Post-Webinar Discussion on Invasive Insects Webinar Series

Invasive insects are devastating in agricultural, natural, and urban environments around the world. The Entomological Society of America is positioned to be a leader in developing a collaborative invasive species mitigation and management roadmap.