Timothy Schowalter Resigns From ESA Governing Board

Society to hold special election to fill vice president-elect position

Annapolis, MD; March 13, 2020—Timothy Schowalter, Ph.D., vice president of the Entomological Society of America, has announced his resignation as an officer and Governing Board member of the Society.

Since his election as vice president-elect of ESA in 2018, a recent and unexpected combination of medical issues and family obligations will require a considerable amount of Dr. Schowalter’s time and attention. Although his medical prognosis is good, these matters will leave him unable to fulfill his leadership duties. The Society will miss his voice on the Governing Board but understands that individual board members’ circumstances can change and wishes for his return to good health as quickly as possible.

Michelle Smith, ESA’s vice president-elect, will automatically succeed Dr. Schowalter as vice president of the Society and will then succeed to the office of president in November 2020. The Society will hold a special election in the near future to fill the office of vice president-elect.

Dr. Schowalter has served ESA with distinction for many years, previously as a Governing Board representative for the Southeastern Branch and as a subject editor for the Journal of Economic Entomology. When Dr. Schowalter was elected as an officer, he said, “I am committed to the goals of the ESA. I support broadening of member diversity, promoting professional opportunities for all members, communicating entomological science to policy-makers, and coordinating entomological science globally. … I will work to encourage membership among students and early career professionals and to ensure that all members benefit from the networking, publication, educational, and professional development opportunities provided by ESA.” The Society is grateful for his leadership and dedication.

CONTACT: Joe Rominiecki, jrominiecki@entsoc.org, 301-731-4535 x3009

ABOUT: ESA is the largest organization in the world serving the professional and scientific needs of entomologists and people in related disciplines. Founded in 1889, ESA today has more than 7,000 members affiliated with educational institutions, health agencies, private industry, and government. Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, the Society stands ready as a non-partisan scientific and educational resource for all insect-related topics. For more information, visit www.entsoc.org.