North Central Branch Meeting Presenter Information

Oral Presenters

Presentations should be created in a format compatible with PowerPoint (.pptx). All meeting room computers are PCs, so a presenters who creates a presentation using a Mac should test the file on a PC prior to the meeting. 

Presenters are expected to upload their presentation not less than two hours prior to their scheduled session. A computer for presentation uploads will be located in The Rams Room during the following times:

Southeastern Branch Presenter Information

Oral Presenters

Presentations should be created in a format compatible with PowerPoint (.pptx). All meeting room computers are PCs, so a presenter who creates a presentation using a Mac should test the file on a PC computer prior to the meeting. 

Presenters are expected to upload their presentation not less than two hours prior to their scheduled session. A computer for presentation uploads will be located in the University Room during the following times:

Program Highlights

Plenary Speaker: David Holway

Presentation Title: Argentine ant invasions and the loss of native ant diversity

David Holway received a B.A. in zoology from UC Berkeley and a Ph.D in biology from the University of Utah. He conducted postdoctoral research at UC San Diego, where he is currently Professor and Chair of the Section of Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution in the Division of Biological Sciences.

Welcome Letter from the Pacific Branch President

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to 102nd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America, June 10-13, 2018 at the Atlantis Casino and Resort in Reno, Nevada. The hotel is in excellent shape with many fine restaurants onsite and should provide an outstanding venue – thanks to Joy Newton and committee for local arrangements. I sincerely hope that you are planning to attend and participate.