ESA 2024-2025 Elections Open Positions
ESA is soliciting nominations for the governing board, branch, and section vacancies listed below. Members interested in serving in one of these capacities should complete the ESA Election Nominations Form by May 30, 2024.
Requirements for Service and Expectations of Governing Board
ESA Governing Board Service
The ESA Governing Board consists of 18 trusted individuals who manage the affairs of the Society:
Proposed Changes to the Southeastern Branch Constitution
Dear Southeastern Branch members,
The Constitution and Bylaws of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America is an important foundational document for The Branch. It guides our operations, meetings, and defines our relevance to the Society. It should be a document that changes as the needs of our Branch change.
Although we have recently revised our Constitution and Bylaws, the Executive Committee has proposed additional changes to modernize our operations.