Sunday, March 16 | 10 AM - 4 PM
Sheraton Harrisburg Hershet Hotel
Commonwealth Ballroom
Admission is free and open to the public!
For the past several years, a highlight of the Eastern Branch’s annual meeting has been “It’s a Bug’s World”, an insect expo and public outreach event. This event aims to increase public awareness of the importance of insects and show kids some of the interesting and varied career options available to people who study entomology. We strive to make the program educational, interactive, and fun.

What is "It's a Bug's World"?
It's a Bug’s World is a public outreach program hosted by the Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch, in conjunction with its annual meeting. Exhibits and programming feature insect-related programs and institutions in the vicinity of the annual meeting’s host city. There are two main goals of this program:
1) increase public awareness of the importance of insects and
2) show kids some of the interesting and varied career options available to people who study entomology.
We strive to make the program educational, interactive, and fun. The program is free of charge and open to the public, and exhibitors are not charged for table space.
Volunteer Information
Students, student transition, and early-career professional ESA members who serve as volunteers and work a minimum of 3 hours at the Annual Meeting are eligible for a $75 reimbursement after the meeting.
This program provides you with an excellent opportunity to become more involved with the Branch, to network, and to experience the many aspects of hosting an insect-focused public outreach program. The Eastern Branch will reimburse volunteers $75 if all criteria and deadlines listed below are met, and the volunteer provides a minimum of 3 hours of work.
An email will be sent out to all registered (and paid) students, student transition, and early professionals in February, detailing the volunteer opportunity. Interested individuals who meet the criteria should fill out an online form, which will include a preference for 3 hour time slots. Once the form closes, volunteers will be notified of their acceptance and time slot. If more volunteers are submitted vs. available slots, they will be chosen on a “first applied, first chosen” basis.
Duties are listed below:
- helping with unloading cars and set-up, welcome table, build-a-bug, etc.
- roaming with the survey, directing visitors, answering questions, helping face painter, welcome table, build-a-bug, etc.
- survey, answering questions, welcome table, build-a-bug, and assisting with break-down and loading cars again
You must be registered in full for the Branch Meeting with a paid student, student transition, or early professional member registration by the advance rate deadline. Volunteers are expected to show up on time and work their full shifts. Volunteers who successfully complete their shifts will be sent a $75 gift card after the meeting has concluded.
For any questions on the volunteer program contact Faith Kuehn.