Letter of Invitation from the International Branch President

Dear International Branch Members,

I am excited to announce that the 8th International Branch Virtual Symposium will be held on April 7-9, 2025. As a reminder, this event is entirely virtual, is open to every entomologist, ESA members or not, and is free to attend. A small fee is asked to present either a virtual poster or a pre-recorded talk. The objective of this event is to allow entomologists from around the world to network, discover new research projects, and showcase their own research at low or no cost. In addition, for the third year in a row we are offering 10 grants covering the presentation fees for five students and five professionals.

In 2025, in addition to the general talks and posters, the symposium will offer keynote speakers from around the world on three topics, chosen according to your suggestions from previous years’ surveys:

  • Insect Learning and Memory
  • Ecosystem Services and Integrative Systems in Agriculture
  • Education and Outreach

Submissions are now open until February 14, 2025. To apply for one of the Virtual Symposium Grants, please consult this page and apply before January 15, 2025.

Keep a watchful eye on our website for regular updates and crucial information regarding this thrilling event. If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to me.

I can’t wait to hear and read about your exciting research during our symposium!

Warmest Regards,

Véronique Martel

President of the IB-ESA

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