The Governing Board of ESA oversees the business affairs of the Society, subject to decisions on policy and actions by the membership during business meetings or by ballot. The Governing Board consists of the elected officers, representatives elected from each Branch and Section, and the Executive Director as a non-voting, ex officio member. Unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws, the Governing Board has authority to act on behalf of the Society. The officers of the Society are elected by the full membership and include the President, Past President, Vice President, Vice President-Elect, and Treasurer. The four presidential roles are held in consecutive years of ascendancy, so only the Vice President-Elect position appears on the ballot each year.
The Board meets at least twice each year. In the interim, activities of the Society are directed and coordinated by an Executive Committee of the Board, which is chaired by the President and comprised of the elected officers of the Society, the Executive Director (non-voting), and two at-large members of the Governing Board who are elected to the Executive Committee each year by the Board. The Executive Committee carries out duties that the Governing Board may delegate to it each year, in accordance with the Bylaws. If there are issues requiring full Board discussion and decision in between meetings, there are defined procedures which allow for motions and votes via electronic means.
For more information, please select from the following items regarding the ESA Governing Board:
Governing Board News and Updates
Requirements for Service and Expectations of Governing Board
Governing Board Contact Information via ESA's Committee Directory (available to ESA members only)
Executive Committee via ESA's Committee Directory (available to ESA members only)