Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Considerations for Symposium Organizers

  • Does your symposium submission represent the breadth of work being done on a topic by speakers with different demographic backgrounds?
  • Are there individuals from typically underrepresented groups (e.g., early career professionals, non-male, non-White) who may have been overlooked that you could invite to be a part of your symposium?
  • What resources (e.g., documents, webinars, blog posts, etc.) would be helpful to you and others in helping to recruit symposium organizers from underrepresented groups?

Student Competition Judges Information

The Student Competition Co-Chairs thank you for your willingness to serve as a judge for the student competition. Without you, and other entomology professionals like you, the success of this program would not be possible. 

Moderator Instructions & Resources

Thank you for serving as a moderator and/or session organizer for the ESA Annual Meeting. The success of the meeting is heavily dependent on moderators as the Program Committee relies on you to keep the meeting on schedule and the flow of scientific presentations running smoothly and orderly. Please follow the guidelines provided below to ensure the success of your session.

Entomology 2025 Registration Policies

The preferred method of registering is online. Registration rates will be offered according to the individuals membership category.

Payment Methods Accepted

Social Media at the Annual Meeting

Follow Along

Get connected to the Entomology 2025 before, during, and after the conference. Use the hashtag #EntSoc25 to share your experiences with entomologists around the world!

LinkedIn: Follow ESA on LinkedIn. Tag "Entomological Society of America" in your posts, and use the hashtag #EntSoc25.

Student Club Tables

Looking to boost your entomology club's visibility and generate additional funds? Look no further! The Student Club Tables offer an unparalleled opportunity for Student Entomology Clubs to sell their entomology club merchandise, from eye-catching t-shirts to attention-grabbing bumper stickers, and beyond.