Students who attended ICE 2016 participated in Student Debates, Linnaean Games, and the Student Competition. Below are the highlights and the winners of each area.
Student Debates
Lively, cross-examination-style debates took place with University teams from around the world!
Topic 1: What would be the single best policy for improving health of Apis mellifera if adopted worldwide?
Mid-Grass Prairie Regional Team (WINNER) vs. University of Delaware
Topic 2: What is the single best strategy for decreasing dengue fever virus (breakbone fever) incidence worldwide?
North Carolina State University (WINNER) vs. Purdue University
Topic 3: Scenario: You are presenting a grant to an international agency to support control measures for an invasive insect species. Pick a species and explain to this agency why this is the most important issue they should be focusing on. The other debate team is competing for the same funding, but for a different invasive species.
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) vs. Auburn University (WINNER)
Overall Best Debate Team
Runners Up – Purdue University and Mid-Grass Prairie Regional Team
Winner – North Carolina State University
Student Competition
At ICE 2016, students were offered the opportunity to present their research and win valuable prizes. There were three components to the competition – 15-minute Paper (Oral) Presentations, Poster and Virtual Poster Presentations.
Click here to view the winners of the Student Competition. All winners were contacted via email by October 28, 2016 with information regarding their prizes.
Linnaean Games
Winner – University of California, Davis
Coach – Larry Godfrey & Elina Nino
Ralph Washington
Emily Bick
Brendon Boudinot
Runner Up – University of Georgia
Coach – Nancy Hinkle
Tommy McElrath (captain)
Annie Rich
Ian Knight
Laura Kraft