Jesus Esquivel

Jesus F. EsquivelDr. Jesus Esquivel is a Research Entomologist with the Insect Control and Cotton Disease Research Unit (USDA-ARS) in College Station, Texas. He has been a member of the Southwestern Branch (SWB) of the ESA for 25 years. Dr. Esquivel actively serves the branch, section, and national levels of the ESA. He has served on SWB's governance as Past President (2014-15), President (2013-14), Vice President (2012-2013), and Secretary/Treasurer (2011-12).

Additionally, he has served as chair and member of multiple SWB Committees, including Awards & Honors, Linnaean Games, Membership, Nominating, Program, and Site Selection Committees. At the national level, Dr. Esquivel has served as chair or member on numerous ESA committees, including Annual Meeting Program Committee (Program Co-Chair, 2015-16; Poster Co-Chair, 2016-17; Student Competition Co-Chair, 2014-15). He further served on the Organizing Committee for the 2016 International Congress of Entomology, which was by far the largest gathering of entomologists in history.

Moreover, Dr. Esquivel has been active within the Plant-Insect Ecosystems (P-IE) Section of ESA; he served as Representative for P-IE on the Awards & Honors Committee (2011-14). Similarly, he served as the SWB Representative to Awards & Honors Committee and Membership Committee at the national level. Dr. Esquivel is a current member of the Board of Counselors for the Entomological Foundation. Through his leadership experience at the branch, section, and national levels, Dr. Esquivel has developed an improved understanding of ESA processes and governance that will enable him to effectively represent the Southwestern Branch.

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