ESA Science Policy Fellows Class of 2015

ESA SPF 2015

  • Dr. Kamal J.K. Gandhi, an Associate Professor at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and an Adjunct Associate Professor from the Department of Entomology, both at the University of Georgia.
  • Dr. Clare C. Rittschof, a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Illinois and Pennsylvania State University. Rittschof will be appointed as an Assistant Professor of Integrative Arthropod Biology in the Department of Entomology at the University of Kentucky in January 2016.
  • Dr. Thomas E. Anderson, an industry consultant and the owner of Entoniche Consulting, LLC, in Clayton, NC. Anderson is retired as the Global Insecticide R&D Group Leader for FMC Corporation in Ewing, NJ.
  • Ms. Johanna Elsensohn, a PhD student at North Carolina State University with a major in entomology and minors in Genetic Engineering and Society, and Biotechnology. Elsensohn is an NSF IGERT fellow in Genetic Pest Management.
  • Dr. Helen Spafford, an Associate Professor in the Department of Plant and Environment Protection Sciences at the University of Hawaii, Manoa.

Selected during the summer of 2015, highlights of service for this class include:

  • 2015 ESA Annual Meeting training workshop
  • May 2016 trip to Washington DC (with the SPF class of 2014), meeting with over 30 congressional offices from 11 states
  • 2016 ESA Annual Meeting training workshop
  • November 2016 trip to meet with federal agencies and NGOs (with the SPF class of 2014). The trip was the week following the tumultuous election of 2016. The Fellows met with various agencies and related NGOs and Elsensohn authored an EntomologyToday post about the trip.
  • May 2017 visit to Washington DC to meet with congressional offices (with the SPF class of 2016). The Fellows met with 20 different Hill offices, presented to two congressional committee staff on the state of Zika research, and presented gene editing research and the new gene editing infographic during a CNSF congressional exhibit.
  • (planned) October 2017 visit to Washington DC to meet with NGOs and federal agencies (with the SPF class of 2016)
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