Fact Sheets

Lawmakers and others on Capitol Hill have the unenviable task of developing legislation and regulations for a myriad of industries and professions - from agriculture to zoology and from astronomy to zoning. They rely on experts in each field to keep them informed when topics arise that need additional information. Position statements and fact sheets are tools that ESA and other professional societies use to simplify our often complex industries.

Whereas position statements are drafted to sway opinion on a topic, fact sheets are simply that - compiled factual information that is known and based on the available science at the time of publication. They are developed and approved by the ESA Science Policy Committee. They remain as shareable resources for the Society until they are edited, replaced by newer information, or otherwise retired by the Society. 

If you have an additional topic that you would like to see the Science Policy Committee address, please use our comments form to make that request.


Similar to a fact sheet, the resources below are designed to be informative documents that can explain a topic of interest on an entomological topic but do not advocate for a specific opinion. Infographics may either be stand-alone resources or extracts from our fact sheets and position statements. If you have a topic that you think would make a good fact sheet, please use our comments form to make the request.

2 infographics as excerpts from the Malaria/Lyme Disease Comparison fact sheet (re-published October 15, 2019)

4 infographics as excerpts from the Climate Change position statement (published January 25, 2019)

3 infographics as excerpts from the "Is Bt Safe for Humans to Eat" fact sheet (published May 7, 2018)

"What is IPM?" (PDF or JPEG) (published on November 7, 2017)

"What Can an Entomologist Do for You?" (PDF or JPEG) (published on July 18, 2017)

What Can an Entomologist Do for You?

"What is Gene Drive?" (PDF or JPEG) (published on April 17, 2017).

What is Gene Drive?

Science Rally Resources

Artwork by ESA member Carly Tribull

EPA-OPP Subject Matter Expert Liaison Reports

ESA shares the reports and updates throughout the year from ESA's Subject Matter Expert who serves as a liaison to the Environmental Protection Agency's (ESA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP).