Fellows of the ESA

Newly Added Resources for Nominators
APPLICATION CHECKLIST - Ensures you have all the required items for the application.
BIOSKETCH TEMPLATE - Outlines the details to include within the three-page maximum biosketch.
SCORING RUBRICS - Provides the scoring rubrics used by the Governing Board. 


The deadline to submit your complete application is April 17 at 11:59 PM EST.  

Fellows of ESA are individuals who have made outstanding contributions to entomology— via research, teaching, extension, administration, military service, and public engagement and science policy —and whose career accomplishments serve to inspire all entomologists. They need not be members of the Society.

Who inspires you?
Now’s your chance to show appreciation for the unsung heroes in the entomology profession. 

Proud of your accomplishments? Your dedication to entomology deserves to be recognized - Nominate yourself! Award nominations will be open mid-February and will close Monday, April 17.  Please note that there are some changes to the nomination requirements for 2021. We recommend reviewing all nomination requirements prior to starting your nomination. 

View a video tutorial on the ESA application site

See the full list of ESA Fellows

For questions about Fellows nominations, email awards@entsoc.org


The deadline to submit your complete application is April 17 Annually at 11:59 PM EST.   

START a Fellows nomination  

Honor Bestowed

Fellows receive free registration to the ESA Annual Meeting in the year the title is bestowed, at which time they are presented with an inscribed plaque. Up to 10 designations may be made annually.

Nomination Requirements

Fellows need not be members of ESA. Nominees must have made outstanding contributions in one of the listed focus areas of entomology. Nomination packages should focus on one nomination focus area and the nomination package should highlight contributions in the respective focus area. When submitting the application, you will need to select what area of focus you are nominating the individual for.

Each ESA member may nominate one candidate per year and focusing on one area of recognition (Research, Teaching, Extension, Administration, Military, and Public Engagement & Science Policy). Self-nominations are allowed. Nomination packages must include the following information:



  1. All nominators and nominees will be required to sign the professional conduct disclosure form.
  2. A three-page maximum nomination letter stating the basis of nomination written by the nominator. The letter should focus on the focus area for which the individual is being nominated and highlight their professional accomplishments within the specific focus area only.
  3. Letters from 4 individuals endorsing the candidate; each letter is restricted to two-page maximum per letter. While nominators and nominees may choose to have anyone write these letters, particularly impactful letters come from supporters who know the nominee well and who can speak to the nominee’s impact in the field within that area of focus. The Governing Board urges nominators to be expansive when seeking letters of support for Fellows nominations so as to reflect the inclusivity and diversity of ESA membership. This includes representing a variety of aspects such as the breadth of entomological science, geographical diversity of speakers, varied career paths (e.g., research, education, industry, extension, government), and diverse backgrounds (e.g., gender, ethnicity, career stage). The board recognizes that expert opinions can often come from unexpected sources. Letter writers who can speak to the impact of the nominee within a specific focus area may be, for instance:
    • Research - a former student or trainee who has remained in the field or in a closely related field.
    • Teaching - a teacher/instructor who implemented the pedagogical materials created by the nominee, a student who used the material created by the nominee.
    • Extension - a person who implemented the program(s) designed by the nominee; a stakeholder impacted by a successful program
    • Administration – a peer administrator; someone the nominee reports to and who can speak to the transformational leadership.
    • Military – a person (military or civilian) with whom the nominee worked closely, a direct supervisor, or a military peer.  
    • Public Engagement and Science Policy - a communication specialist or person from a regulatory agency with whom the nominee has worked closely during their career.
  4. A copy of the nominee’s CV, maximum of 15 pages.
  5. A three page maximum biosketch that highlights the nominees most impactful contributions. Download the biosketch template

All nominators and nominees will be required to sign the professional conduct disclosure form during the application process. View additional information on the professional conduct disclosure.

Eligibility - Research Focus Area

Nominees based on Research should have a documented record of discoveries that create significant new understanding, technology, or application of entomological science through an impactful body of work. They will be recognized widely as being in the top tier of researchers advancing or utilizing the science of entomology. The nominee’s achievements should be consistent with one or more of the following characterizations of distinction and detailed in the nomination letter, letters of support, CV, and biosketch:

  • Impact: Extensive evidence for creation of pioneering approaches to the application of research data leading to new paradigms, economic opportunities, and/or direct evidence for a positive impact on society and the human condition.
  • Outputs and Publications:
    • Publications: Extensive record of refereed publications in ESA or other high-quality journals that demonstrate discoveries leading to the increased understanding of one or more components of entomological science. The body of work must be productive in number and compelling in scope and impact to the understanding of entomological science.
    • Patents: Extensive record of patents issued related to discoveries that create novel technologies that are considered highly progressive and impactful in the era of their discovery.
  • Awards and Recognition: Awards and recognition related to the nomination focus area from the nominee’s institution, professional organizations, and/or stakeholder groups. Here, the nominator may also refer to the nominee’s funding record.
  • Mentorship and Advisory Role: Extensive evidence that nominee has mentored and trained others toward their success and/or has served in an advisory capacity as a subject matter expert to influence other projects and policy related to entomology. ESA has a commitment to develop all members, and the expected outcome is that mentees will be of diverse perspectives and backgrounds and can describe how they have been positively impacted as a result of the interactions with the nominee. The expectation of widely documented expertise and status as an opinion leader is essential.
  • Service: Evidence of contributions to their company, agency, institution, professional society, and community. These may include volunteer or elected positions held, evidence of peer review for journals, and work improving the discipline of entomology.


Eligibility - Extension Focus Area

Nominees based on Extension should have a documented record of measurable impacts with raising the profile of entomology in the relevant target community, documented record of programs that create significant new understanding, use of technology, or application of entomological science through an extensive body of work, and be widely recognized as a change agent in their field. They will be widely recognized as being in the top tier of Extension educators advancing or utilizing the science of entomology. The nominee’s achievements should be consistent with one or more of the following characterizations of distinction and detailed in the nomination letter, letters of support, CV, and biosketch:

  • Impact: Extensive record and documented evidence of influence in the adoption and use of best evidence-based practices with the effect of raising the profile of entomology in target communities. Supportive record of applied research and widely viewed as a credible expert. Creation of or significantly contributed to innovative uses of information delivery systems, with impact documented as shifts in common practice to best practice for the era. Impacts and outcomes should be measurable (i.e., knowledge gained, intent to practice, behavior changes, economic impacts, policy changes). Nomination package should explain what problem(s) the nominee solved or what difference the program designed by the nominee made to stakeholders (policy changes, economic impacts, and/or measurable positive behavioral changes).
  • Outputs and Publications: A record of publications and outputs that are connected to the nominee’s Extension activities, including but not limited to refereed articles, manuals, newsletters, blogs, Extension bulletins, media contacts, social media reach, websites, software, and apps, that demonstrate the success of the nominee’s Extension activities. 
  • Awards and Recognition: Awards and recognition related to the nomination focus area from the nominee’s institution and/or stakeholder groups that demonstrate the progressive nature and value of raising the application of entomological science in the relevant target communities. Here, the nominator may also refer to the nominee’s funding record.
  • Mentorship and Advisory Role: Extensive evidence that nominee has mentored and trained others toward their success and/or has served in an advisory capacity as a subject matter expert to influence other projects and policy related to entomology. ESA has a commitment to develop all members, and the expected outcome is that mentees will be of diverse perspectives and backgrounds and can describe how they have been positively impacted as a result of the interactions with the nominee. The expectation of widely documented expertise and status as an opinion leader is essential.
  • Service: Evidence of contributions to their company, agency, institution, professional society, and community. These may include volunteer or elected positions held, evidence of peer review for journals, and work improving the discipline of entomology.


Eligibility - Teaching Focus Area

Nominees based on Teaching should have a documented record of success in clearly raising the profile of entomology. They will be recognized widely as being in the top tier of teachers with significant influence and broad recognition. The nominee’s achievements should be consistent with one or more of the following characterizations of distinction and detailed in the nomination letter, letters of support, CV, and biosketch:

  • Impact: Extensive record and documented evidence of teaching influence, with the effect of positively raising the profile of entomology in the relevant target community. The body of work should include a record of classroom success, using criteria such as class evaluations and enrollment growth, and analytical evidence that new materials created (e.g., texts) and the innovative methods or novel approaches that were developed were transformative and had a positive effect on learning outcomes. For individuals without a direct teaching appointment the nomination packet should show extensive evidence of activities within the teaching focus area. Evidence of teaching excellence could include an appointment as an adjunct professor, creation of progressive intern or mentoring programs, regular guest lecturer appointments in multiple units or at multiple institutions, or demonstration of technology transfer to benefit the target audience through application of entomological science. Analytical evidence of how the nominee’s teaching efforts had a transformative effect on the teaching of insect science should be provided.
  • Outputs and Publications: A record of refereed publications in high quality educational or entomology journals and magazines, or shared resources (lesson plans, curricula, etc.) made available to educators, that demonstrate discoveries leading to better learning outcomes through the improved instruction of entomology or use of insects as mechanisms for instruction. 
  • Awards and Recognition: Awards and recognition related to the nomination focus area for the nominee’s institution and/or stakeholder groups that demonstrate the progressive nature of improving instruction of entomology or of topics for which insects may be used as a mechanism for instruction. Here the nominator may also refer to the nominee’s record of support for the nominee’s teaching efforts.
  • Mentorship and Advisory Role: Extensive evidence that nominee has mentored and trained others toward their success and/or has served in an advisory capacity as a subject matter expert to influence other projects and policy related to entomology. ESA has a commitment to develop all members, and the expected outcome is that mentees will be of diverse perspectives and backgrounds and can describe how they have been positively impacted as a result of the interactions with the nominee. The expectation of widely documented expertise and status as an opinion leader is essential.
  • Service: Evidence of contributions to their company, agency, institution, professional society, and community. These may include volunteer or elected positions held, evidence of peer review for journals, and work improving the discipline of entomology.


Eligibility - Administration Focus Area

Nominees based on Administration should have a documented record of measurable impacts through leadership of others to create progressive programs, strengthen public-private partnerships, and advance multiple discoveries and applications. Through entomology-related administration, nominees should be widely recognized as being in the top tier of individuals among their peer administrators. The nominee’s achievements should be consistent with one or more of the following characterizations of distinction and detailed in the nomination letter, letters of support, CV, and biosketch:

  • Impact: Extensive record and documented evidence of influence through positive directional change in the science and profession of entomology. Nominee demonstrates skills of organizational effectiveness, adaptive and transformational leadership, and is a role model for their organization and the profession of entomology. Impacts should be quantified to reflect the influence of the administrative leadership. Nominee may have established or guided the creation of new or innovative research; new teaching, research and extension/outreach programs; or promoted novel solutions and products that reduced barriers to objective solutions and discoveries for stakeholders working within the field of entomology.
  • Outputs and Publications: Extensive record and documented evidence of influence through positive directional change in the science and profession of entomology. Established or guided creation of new research directions and programs that resulted in novel products with progressive attributes for the era. Evidence of supporting principles of scientific peer review (their own or their teams) and communication (written and oral) of outputs.
  • Awards and Recognition: Awards and recognition related to the nomination focus area from the nominee’s institution and/or stakeholder groups that demonstrate the progressive nature and value of raising the application of entomological science in the relevant target communities. Here the nominator may also refer to the nominee’s funding record.
  • Mentorship and Advisory Role: Extensive evidence that nominee has mentored and trained others toward their success and/or has served in an advisory capacity as a subject matter expert to influence other projects and policy related to entomology. ESA has a commitment to develop all members, and the expected outcome is that mentees will be of diverse perspectives and backgrounds and can describe how they have been positively impacted as a result of the interactions with the nominee. The expectation of widely documented expertise and status as an opinion leader is essential.
  • Service: Evidence of contributions to their company, agency, institution, professional society, and community. These may include volunteer or elected positions held, evidence of peer review for journals, and work improving the discipline of entomology.


Eligibility - Military Service Focus Area

Nominees on the basis of Military Service should have a documented record of measurable impacts in clearly raising the profile of military entomology. They will be widely recognized as being in the top tier of career military in advancing the science and practice of entomology. The nominee’s achievements should be consistent with one or more of the following characterizations of distinction and detailed in the nomination letter, letters of support, CV, and biosketch:

  • Impact: Extensive record of visible strategic leadership in military entomology that positively influences force protection standards against arthropods affecting military personnel and general public health. This includes demonstrated skills of organizational effectiveness and vision to respond to and deliver entomological support for the requirements of military medicine within the parameters of an ever-changing world situation. Participation in military deployments (i.e., humanitarian and combat efforts).
  • Outputs and Publications: Extensive record and documented evidence (publications, reports, etc.) of effective and sustained support for operational military forces through positive strategic leadership in military and public health entomology. This work will be supported with an extensive record of research and/or training for supporting development and integration of novel technology and the adoption and use of best practices into military mission requirements.
  • Awards and Recognition: Awards and recognition from the nominee’s branch of military service, Department of Defense, professional organizations and/or stakeholder groups that demonstrate a sustained commitment to military entomology.
  • Mentorship and Advisory Role: Extensive evidence that nominee has mentored and trained others in the military toward their success and/or has served in an advisory capacity as a subject matter expert to influence other military projects and policy related to entomology. ESA has a commitment to develop all members, and the expected outcome is that mentees will be of diverse perspectives and backgrounds and can describe how they have been positively impacted as a result of the interactions with the nominee. The expectation of widely documented expertise and status as an opinion leader is essential.
  • Service: Evidence of contributions to their company, agency, institution, professional society, and community. These may include volunteer or elected positions held, evidence of peer review for journals, and work improving the discipline of entomology.


Eligibility - Public Engagement and Science Policy Focus Area

Nominees based on Public Engagement and Science Policy should have a documented record of advancing entomological science through an impactful body of work of publications, media engagement, or work with regulatory agencies. They will be recognized widely as being in the top tier of communicators advancing the understanding of the science of entomology with other scientists and with non-scientists. The nominee’s achievements should be consistent with one or more of the following characterizations of distinction and detailed in the nomination letter, letters of support, CV, and biosketch:

  • Impact:
    • Science Policy: Extensive record of influence and change within stakeholders’ practices. This may be the adoption of laws and regulations following testimony and lobbying efforts; changes in priorities for members of the public as evidenced by the adoption of new funding priorities at local, regional, and state governance.
    • Public Engagement: Extensive record of active participation and science activities in efforts to engage with the public on entomological science related issues to promote meaningful interactions between insect science and society.
  • Outputs and Publications: Extensive record of popular science books, articles, and digital posts leading to increased understanding of one or more components of entomological science. The body of work must be productive in number and compelling in scope and impact to the understanding of entomological science.
  • Awards and Recognition: Awards and recognition related to the nomination focus area from the nominee’s institution, professional organizations, and/or stakeholder groups. Here, the nominator may also refer to the nominee’s funding record.
  • Mentorship and Advisory Role: Extensive evidence that nominee has mentored and trained others toward their success and/or has served in an advisory capacity as a subject matter expert to influence other projects and policy related to entomology. ESA has a commitment to develop all members, and the expected outcome is that mentees will be of diverse perspectives and backgrounds and can describe how they have been positively impacted as a result of the interactions with the nominee. The expectation of widely documented expertise and status as an opinion leader is essential.
  • Service: Evidence of contributions to their company, agency, institution, professional society, and community. These may include volunteer or elected positions held, evidence of peer review for journals, and work improving the discipline of entomology.


Judging Process and Notification

All candidates and their nominators will be notified of the results after the ESA Governing Board conducts its summer meeting. All Fellows nomination packets are reviewed by the full Governing Board and voted on during the summer meeting. Individuals will be notified after the summer meeting.


Electronic Submission Requirements

All nomination packages must be submitted electronically according to the following specifications (paper nominations will not be accepted):

Page Limits

  • The entire nomination package must not exceed 29 pages total.  Please follow the page limits strictly for each item listed below: This includes letters of nomination or recommendation and publication lists.

File Specifications

  • The preferred file format is PDF.  
    • Letter of Nomination - 3 page maximum
    • Support Letters -8 page max (4 letters with a 2 page maximum each)
    • CV - 15 page maximum
    • BioSketch - 3 page maximum
  • Font size for text may not be smaller than 10 point.
  • Do not combine files together as the nomination site requires each item to be uploaded separately.  

Submission Methods

Nomination packages must be submitted online via the ESA Fellows Nomination Submission Website.


Any candidate nominated but not selected may be renominated no more than two times within the two-year period after the initial submission. Nomination packages will be retained for two years by the awards administrator. Nominators must send a letter of renomination to the awards administrator by the nomination deadline. Previously submitted documentation will be used for the evaluation process unless the nominator submits new or updated documents. The renomination email must contain this additional documentation. New or updated documents must follow the electronic submission requirements noted above.

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