Travel awards provide funding for student fieldwork, research travel to other institutions to enhance research projects, and/or travel to the upcoming ESA Annual Meeting. Successful proposals from graduate students will be funded through support from the SysEB Section. Top-ranked proposals from graduate students will be recognized and funded separately by the SysEB Student Research Endowment (SRE).
Typical award amounts are approximately $1,000-$1,500. Payment of the award will occur upon completion of travel as reimbursement. Students must provide evidence of travel (copy of boarding pass, hotel receipts, etc.) and copies of collecting and export permits (if applicable). Travel must be completed within a year of the award date. If paying out of pocket is a hardship, students may request payment upfront. The payment upfront will be based on the proposed budget that is submitted with the application. Proof of travel will be required after the travel date. A summary report is required one year after the SRTA is awarded.
Nomination Requirements
Evaluation Criteria
Submission Requirements
Previous Winners
Submit a Nomination
Current undergraduate or graduate students only; must be members in good standing of the SysEB Section of the Entomological Society of America (ESA). Eligible applicants may receive one Student Research Travel Award (SRTA) only. Previous award recipients are not eligible to apply for additional awards.
Nomination Requirements
Nomination packages must include the following:
- One-page description of the proposed research project (title, brief background, specific hypotheses, scientific importance) and the purpose of the proposed travel, including explanation of how the proposed travel will enhance your research.
- One-page detailed budget with specific travel plans and budget justification including a statement of confirmation that all relevant collecting, research, and/or export permits are current or obtainable for the proposed travel.
- Literature references, if applicable (1 page maximum).
- A short statement (a paragraph) from your major professor (or advisor) that indicates your student status and how well the proposed travel is integrated with your research (can be a separate letter, but should be included in the application).
Allowed travel requests: Proposals will be considered for costs associated with domestic and/or international travel to conduct research (including fieldwork, offsite lab work, and research visits to museum collections); the SRTA Program will provide award recipients with travel funding only (all official/legal permissions and/or permits for the travel are the responsibility of the student).
Evaluation Criteria
Proposals are competitively judged based on the following factors:
- Benefit of the proposed travel to the student's research
- Scientific justification
Submission Requirements
All nomination packages must be submitted electronically to the Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Award Nomination website. Travel receipts (=evidence of travel) and copies of collecting and export permits (if applicable) should be emailed to current SysEB Treasurer.
Successful applicants will be notified by the middle of June.
Previous Winners
View the list of those who have previously received the Student Research Travel Award and the Graduate Student Research Endowment Award.
Nomination packages must be submitted online via the Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Award Nomination website by April 18, 2025 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. This deadline refers to receipt by the awards administrator of a complete package in a readable format. Therefore, early submission is recommended.