Branch Meeting Symposium Organizer Checklist

Below are the steps which need to be completed for your symposium in the Confex online system by your given deadline.

Symposium Completion Checklist

Add Presentations

Arranging a Symposium

Symposium Completion Checklist

  1. The symposium title should be in title case with the first letter of every word capitalized. Please check for proper italicization of any scientific names. 
  2. Contact each presenter to ensure they will participate in your symposium.
  3. Obtain the following information from each presenter:
    • Presentation title
    • Author information (for all contributing authors) including name, email address, affiliation, and city, state (US) or city, country (international)
    • Abstract (not required)
    • Arthropod species information, if applicable
  4. Upload all presentations to your symposium using the link on the left control panel to navigate (instructions below).
  5. Using the "Non-Paper Events" link on the left control panel, add any "introductory remarks," "concluding remarks," "breaks," etc. Enter the appropriate time duration for each non-paper event (instructions below). 
  6. Arrange the presentations and non-paper events in the appropriate order (instructions below). 

Add Presentations

All presentations should be added and confirmed in Confex. This includes:

  1. Presentation title
    • Please use sentence case for presentation titles. Only capitalize the first letter of the first word in the heading. Proper nouns also have a capital.
    • For example: Monitoring the corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) in Bt corn crops
  2. Arthropod species information, if applicable
  3. Author information for each contributing author
    • Name
    • Email address
    • Affiliation
    • City, State
  4. Abstract (not required, must be 250 words or less)

To add a new presentations, select the menu icon at the top left of the screen. Then select "Add" under Presentations on the left control panel. To remove a presentation, click on the presentation title and select "Withdraw" on the left control panel of the presentation under Options. 

Please note that you can update/edit presentation information anytime between now and the specified deadline. Simply click on the presentation title and use the links in the top navigation bar.

Arranging a Symposium

All presentations should be arranged in the order in which they will take place. To rearrange the presentation order, simply enter the correct order in the "Order Within Group" fields and select "Update."

To add any introductory or closing remarks, breaks, poster sessions, discussions, etc., use the "Non-Paper Events" link on the left control panel under "Options." Once your non-paper events have been added, enter the appropriate time duration for each non-paper event. 

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