ESA is soliciting volunteers for the committee vacancies listed below. Members interested in serving in one or more of these capacities should complete the ESA Volunteer Committee Interest Form by May 30, 2024.
ESA Volunteer Committee Interest Form
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Awards & Honors Committee:
The purpose of this committee is to oversee the awards program of the Society and to facilitate recognition of outstanding achievements in entomology. This committee has a 3-year term of service. Key responsibilities include soliciting judges for awards, serving as a process coach, attending monthly calls, and helping to elevate the success of ESA Awards.
- International Branch Representative
- North Central Branch Representative
- P-IE Section Representative
Books Editorial Board:
The Books Editorial Board helps guide the publication of ESA's book-length manuscripts covering all aspects of entomology. Terms on the board are for three years.
- PBT Section Representative
Committee on Canvassing for Awards and Honors:
The purpose of this committee is to be a champion for all honors and awards of the Society. The committee will encourage nominations and recognition of diverse candidates to reflect the full scope and breadth of the membership within the discipline. This committee has a 2-year term of service.
- Member-At-Large (2 positions)
Committee on the Common Names of Insects:
The Committee on Common Names of Insects consists of nine At-Large members. The purpose of the Committee is to review proposals for common names and recommend names to be used in publications of the Society for approval by the Governing Board. This committee has a 3-year term of service.
- Member-At-Large (4 positions)
Committee on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion:
The Committee will propose resources, programs, and services that will maximize DEI support among ESA members and increase the cultural competency of ESA members. This committee has a 2-year term of service.
- International Branch Representative
- MUVE Section Representative
- North Central Branch Representative
- P-IE Section Representative
- Southwestern Branch Representative
- SysEB Section Representative
Committee on Entomology Games:
The purpose of this committee is to plan and run the Entomology Games at the ESA Annual Meeting, with consistent rules, procedures, and fair and interesting questions. This committee has a 3-year term of service.
- Pacific Branch Representative
- Southeastern Branch Representative
- SysEB Section Representative
Committee on Leadership Development:
The purpose of this committee is to encourage and develop current and future leaders for Society-wide service through programming, outreach, and mentoring. The committee will support the development of diverse candidates for office who have the skills, knowledge, and networks for service at a variety of Societal levels. This committee has a 2-year term of service.
- Member-At-Large (2 positions)
Early Career Professionals Committee:
The Committee is the vehicle for recognizing the perspectives of and experiences of the Student Transition and Early Professional population and helps develop our next generation of ESA leaders. This committee has a 3-year term of service. Volunteers must be active ESA Student Transition or Early Professional members.
- International Branch Representative
- P-IE Section Representative
- Southwestern Branch Representative
- SysEB Section Representative
Education & Outreach Committee:
The purpose of this Committee is to provide leadership and guidance to the Society in entomological education and outreach. This committee has a 3-year term of service.
- Eastern Branch Representative
- MUVE Section Representative
- North Central Branch Representative
- Ad Hoc (2 positions)
Publications Council:
The Publications Council oversees the health and success of the ESA publications program, sets strategic goals and metrics, provides oversight to ensure that goals are met, identifies opportunities for growth and improvement, evaluates each editor-in-chief (EIC) annually, and advises the Governing Board about the publication needs and policies of the Society. The Publications Council has a 4-year term of service.
- Member-At-Large (2 positions)
Science Policy Committee:
The committee works closely with the Governing Board and ESA's advocacy firm in Washington, DC, to set the Society's public policy agenda. This committee has a 3-year term of service.
- P-IE Section Representative
- Southeastern Branch Representative
Student Affairs Committee:
The purpose of this Committee is to stimulate interest in student participation in the Society and to advise the Governing Board on matters of interest to Student Members. This committee has a 2-year term of service. Volunteers must be an active ESA Student member.
- Eastern Branch Representative
- International Branch Representative
- MUVE Section Representative
- PBT Section Representative
- P-IE Section Representative